urban fragment observatory 

++ english below ++

Le résultat d’une résidence de 3 semaines à Ivry-sur-Seine, où nous avons travaillé en étroite collaboration avec les associations locales "jardins à tous les étages" et "Arch'Ivry".

À travers des ateliers, des visites et des moments informels de convivialité, nous avons recueilli les histoires, les secrets et les expériences personnelles des habitant·e·s d’Ivry, que nous avons tissés dans 3 histoires fictives décrivant des pratiques quotidiennes - mais non conventionnelles - liées à la ville. Le résultat est une installation vidéo à trois canaux qui sera projetée dans l'espace public d’Ivry ainsi qu’à Berlin. Le but de cette installation est de transmettre des impressions, de déclencher l'imagination et de créer un lien entre deux métropoles confrontées à des défis similaires en terme de développement urbain.

Une première projection aura lieu à Ivry-sur-Seine pendant les journées du Patrimoine (16.09.2023) 
Une seconde projection aura lieu à Berlin à la Haus der Statistik (6.10.2023).
sept.-oct. 2023

IVRY-SUR SEINE: Journées du Patrimoine
+ français +

Samedi 16 Septembre

17:00 - 19:00 “Ivry vues d’ailleurs”
discussion à la Médiathèque Anthonin Artaud.
Avec la participation du Rothwell Studio de l’Université de Sydney (Australie) et ses co-chairs Anne Lacaton et Jean-Philippe Vassal, d’Iwona Buczkowska (Pologne), de Nefeli Papadimouli (Grèce), du collectif berlinois ufo-ufo (Allemagne) et de Nichola Barrington-Leach (Royaume-Uni)Sur réservation uniquement > par mail ou directement à l’accueil de la médiathèque.

19:30- 20:30 “Ivry-Affaires” film première
projection dans l’atrium du Centre Jeanne Hachette (Ivry-sur-Seine) des 3 courts métrages réalisés avec les habitant·e·s du centre ville d’Ivry. Français sous-titré en anglais.
Entrée Libre

Berlin: Haus der Statistik 

Vendredi 6 Octobre 2023

19h00: “Dîner discursif”
avec nos invitées d'Ivry-sur-Seine : Cécile Duvelle (Jardin à tous les Étages-Ivry) & Nelly Terrier (Arch'Ivry). en anglais.
inscription : e-mail

21h00: “Ivry Affaires”, installation video
projection dans le bâtiment Otto de la Haus der Statistik (Berlin). Français sous-titré en anglais. Entrée Libre.

+ plus d'infos bientôt +

+ english +

Saturday September, 16th 

5 - 7pm "Ivry vues d'ailleurs"
(”Ivry seen from elsewhere”) Public discussion at the Médiathèque Anthonin Artaud (Ivry-sur-Seine).
With the participation of the Rothwell Studio of the University of Sydney (Australia) and its co-chairs Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal, Iwona Buczkowska (Poland), Nefeli Papadimouli (Greece), the Berlin collective ufo-ufo (Germany) and Nichola Barrington-Leach (United Kingdom).
reservation required > by e-mail or at the library reception desk.

19:30- 20:30 "Ivry-Affaires" film premiere. 
public screening in the Atrium of  Centre Jeanne Hachette (Ivry-sur-Seine) of 3 short films made with the residents of Ivry-sur-Seine. French with English subtitles
Free admission

Berlin: Haus der Statistik

Friday 6 October 2023

7pm: Discursive Dinner
with Guests from Ivry-sur-Seine: Cécile Duvelle (Jardin à tous les Étages-Ivry)  & Nelly Terrier (Arch’Ivry). in English.
registration : e-mail

9pm: “Ivry Affaires”, Film-screening
in the Otto building of Haus der Statistik.
French with English subtitles

+ more info soon +

urban fragment observatory
mit der Unterstützung vom / avec le support du 

In the 1960’s, Ivry-sur-Seine – a south-eastern Parisian suburb– was the theater of a groundbreaking social housing operation, in which architect and urban planner Renée Gailhoustet, together with Jean Renaudie, designed an architecture deeply anchored in socialist values of communal living and social equity. The generous space dedicated in their buildings to urban ecosystems on the many public and private terraces makes it an example of resilient, ecological and foremost deeply social architecture today.

In May 2023, we conducted an artistic investigation in Ivry-Sur-Seine to record the life of the neighbourhood and its inhabitants, in cooperation with local initiatives Jardin à tous les étages (Ivry) & Arch'Ivry. The research focus was set on the different forms of care that inhabitants are enacting towards this particular architecture. During our time spent in Ivry, we observed and recorded moments of collective gardening, joint work on the documentation of the buildings and their history, composting, hosting, visiting each other’s apartments, publicly discussing the fate of public spaces... Small acts that make up a neighborhood and help preserve the particularity of this architecture.

Inspired by the diversity of these practices and the generosity of the surrounding spaces, we worked together with inhabitants to create 3 fictional narratives that were shot on the spot. The final outcome will be a sound and video installation displayed publicly in Ivry-sur-Seine during the Journées du Patrimoine in September 2023 and which will later be shown in Berlin. Stay tuned!

april 2023 - oct. 2023

The outcome of this research will be shown
on 16.9.23 in Ivry-sur-Seine &
on 6.10.23 in Berlin.
More info hier ↗



urban fragment observatory
mit der Unterstützung vom / avec le support du 

SOS! The high-rise at Urania 4-10 - property of the State of Berlin and a building by Werner Düttmann - is scheduled to be demolished in January 2024.

The Building Council and the Round Table for Real Estate Policy have advocated examining the reuse of the building with a feasibility study, but neither the Senate nor the BIM are commissioning this study.

As architects, structural engineers, urban planners, ... we get together to propose a feasibility study - from below! Together we want to prove that this building can be tranformed instead of being demolished. Sadly time is running out and the excavator has already been ordered.

We need your help:

Sign the petition here ︎︎︎ 

More information ︎︎︎ 

Saturday 23 March 2024 - 3pm | an der Urania 4-10, 10787 Berlin (Maplink)

as part of the civil organisation an.ders Urania we call for the immediate cancelation of the planned demolition of the building An Der Urania 4-10.

Berlin will not achieve its climate goals if the emissions caused by the construction sector are not drastically minimised. Nevertheless, demolitions and the construction of new buildings still prevail over the preservation of existing buildings.

We have been fighting for months to preserve the high-rise building Urania 4-10, which belongs to the state of Berlin. Yet bulldozers have been ordered to start the demolition in April. Together with a broad alliance, we renew our call on the Senate: Stop this demolition immediately! Preserve the highrise Urania 4-10! Turn it into a model project for conversion! As long as the structure stands, it is still possible to stop the demolition!


contributors: initiative an.ders Urania | Architects 4 Future
AfA - Aktiv für Architektur | Urbane Praxis eV
ZusammenKUNFT Berlin e.G. | Deutsche Umwelthilfe
Architekt:innenkammer Berlin

more infos ︎︎︎

initiative an.ders Urania
Architects 4 Future
AfA - Aktiv für Architektur
Urbane Praxis eV
ZusammenKUNFT Berlin e.G.
Deutsche Umwelthilfe

In Berlin, still functioning buildings are frequently subject to demolition, to be replaced by more profitable, denser structures. Buildings from the 1970s are particularly affected. Their disappearance from the cityscape is our call to action.

# Demolitions trigger displacement. Since demolitions often happen quietly, without prior notice, it is difficult to form alliances against them.

# The climate crisis calls for a radical change in the way we deal with the existing building stock. The understanding of seeing every existing resource as a value and treating it with care is missing.

The project "Visitig Abriss" documents perspectives on demolition practices through film; the focus is set on three buildings in Kurfürstenstraße that are being demolished. Visiting means for us an on-site research and to include the perspective of different protagonists involved: neighbors, users, and in this case sex workers, construction workers of the demolition company and the investor who contracts the demolition.

okt. 2022 - feb. 2023

press kit ↗

February 25th 2023


We say: Down with Demolition in Berlin! Rebuild instead. Save the buildings that are already here!

February 25th, 2023

16:00: Exhibition opening and demonstration –
U Kurfürstenstraße in front of the LSD store

17:30: Film screening, end of the demonstration with warm drinks in front of Urania 4-10.

speeches by Bündnis Leerstand Haab-ich-Saath, Architects 4 Future, Initiative Hermannplatz, Kiezpalaver Schöneberg und dem Berliner Mieterverein

February 23th - 27th 2023


temporary exhibition exploring the topic of demolition on different levels.

Shown in the shop window of the M&M Backshop in the LSD building, Potsdamer Str. 172, 10783 Berlin. 

Visible 24/7 from outside.

urban fragment observatory
mit der Unterstützung von:

Three buildings in Freiburg's Europaviertel are threatened with demolition. Appartments , studios, rehearsal rooms, offices and one of the few brownfield sites are to make way for more profitable planning.

Film screening of the abrissstop! film "macht kaputt was euch kaputt macht!"
As part of the "Energie:Energeia" exhibition program in the DELPHI_space/außenstelle in Freiburg.

Together with initiatives from Germany and Switzerland, the topic of energy consumption in architecture was discussed. What is the value of installed energy in connected buildings? What socio-political energy is needed for a climate and socially just construction turnaround?

“VISITING : Inken Baller &
Hinrich Baller, Berlin 1966-89” 

exhibition at Kunsthochschule Kassel

In their joint creative period between 1966 and 1989, Inken Baller and Hinrich Baller designed striking buildings in the former West Berlin with an independent, expressive and distinct architectural language. While these buildings polarized the professional world at the time, their projects were accepted by Berliners and remain an expression of unconventional housing construction to this day.

The exhibition stages a sensual revisit to the inhabited spaces: recent interior photographs show filigree, permeability, the integration of common areas into the residential buildings and their unusual floor plan solutions. Accompanied by the audio recordings of today’s residents and archival material, the exhibition documents architecture that has been used, lived in and experienced, posing the question of what today’s housing construction can learn from this open understanding of space.

The VISITING exhibition was a cooperation with Deutsches Achitekturzentrum, berlin and was open between march and june 2022.

Ausstellungshalle der Kunsthochschule Kassel Menzelstraße 13–15
Öffnungszeiten: Di-So 15-19 Uhr

> more infos here

may-june 2024

mit der Unterstützung von:


“VISITING : Inken Baller &
Hinrich Baller, Berlin 1966-89” 

exhibition at freie Akademie der Künste in Hamburg

In their joint creative period between 1966 and 1989, Inken Baller and Hinrich Baller designed striking buildings in the former West Berlin with an independent, expressive and distinct architectural language. While these buildings polarized the professional world at the time, their projects were accepted by Berliners and remain an expression of unconventional housing construction to this day.

The exhibition stages a sensual revisit to the inhabited spaces: recent interior photographs show filigree, permeability, the integration of common areas into the residential buildings and their unusual floor plan solutions. Accompanied by the audio recordings of today’s residents and archival material, the exhibition documents architecture that has been used, lived in and experienced, posing the question of what today’s housing construction can learn from this open understanding of space.

The VISITING exhibition was a cooperation with Deutsches Achitekturzentrum, berlin and was open between march and june 2022.

10.6.2023 - 09.07.2023,


Made possible by Hamburger Sympathisanten of the Academy and supporting member Michael Liebelt.

> more infos on fADK website.

juni- juli 2023

mit der Unterstützung von:

      .      .      

“VISITING : Inken Baller &
Hinrich Baller, Berlin 1966-89” 

an exhibition at DAZ (Deutsches Architekturzentrum), berlin.
In their joint creative period between 1966 and 1989, Inken Baller and Hinrich Baller designed striking buildings in the former West Berlin with an independent, expressive and distinct architectural language. While these buildings polarized the professional world at the time, their projects were accepted by Berliners and remain an expression of unconventional housing construction to this day.

The exhibition stages a sensual revisit to the inhabited spaces: recent interior photographs show filigree, permeability, the integration of common areas into the residential buildings and their unusual floor plan solutions. Accompanied by the audio recordings of today’s residents and archival material, the exhibition documents architecture that has been used, lived in and experienced, posing the question of what today’s housing construction can learn from this open understanding of space.

The VISITING exhibition was a cooperation with Deutsches Achitekturzentrum, berlin and was open between march and june 2022.

> more infos on DAZ website.

march - june 2022

> collection of press reviews about the exhibition and the book here.

funded by


“VISITING : Inken Baller &
Hinrich Baller, Berlin 1966-89”

Although most of Inken and Hinrich Baller‘s buildings were developed within the tight constraints of the social housing program in the 1970s and 1980s, they always offer more than the standard: slenderness, lightness, large balconies, complex spatial relationships across mulitple floors, and outdoor green spaces. With their unconventional residential and public buildings, the Ballers‘ creations are today as much as ever examples for high-quality and affordable housing and intriguing urban spaces. During visits with current residents of these buildings, photographs of the lively and lived-in architecture were taken. A collection of archive material, original plans and essays complement these images to present a complete picture of these multifaceted buildings. What can we learn for today‘s housing production from this open understanding of space?

ed. by urban fragment observatory, Berlin 2022. Text von urban fragment observatory, Turit Fröbe & Christian Kloss, 17 x 24 cm, 544 p. with more than 300 pictures and plans, soft cover.

> both English and German editions are available in bookshops and online.
> collection of press reviews about the book here.


© urban fragment observatory, 2024