“VISITING : Inken Baller &
Hinrich Baller, Berlin 1966-89” 

exhibition in Berlin, Hamburg, Kassel and Zurich

In their joint creative period between 1966 and 1989, Inken Baller and Hinrich Baller designed striking buildings in the former West Berlin with an independent, expressive and distinct architectural language. While these buildings polarized the professional world at the time, their projects were loved by Berliners and remain an expression of unconventional housing construction to this day.

The exhibition stages a sensual revisit to the inhabited spaces: recent interior photographs from us show the delicacy and permeability of the spaces, the integration of common areas into the residential buildings and their unusual floor plan solutions. Accompanied by the audio recordings of today’s residents and archival material, the exhibition documents architecture that has been used, lived in and experienced, asking the question of what today’s housing construction can learn from this open understanding of space.

A publication accompanying the exhibition "Visiting Inken Baller and Hinrich Baller, Berlin 1966-89" was published in March 2022 by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König.

> a collection of press reviews about the exhibition and the book can be found here.
2022 – 2024

March 4th  - June 20th, 2022
VISITING : Inken Baller & Hinrich Baller, Berlin 1966-89
Exhibition at DAZ (Deutsches Architekturzentrum), Berlin

Incooperation with Deutsches Architekturzentrum and funded by Wüstenrot-Stiftung and Sto-Stiftung.

> more infos on DAZ website.

10.6.2023 - 09.07.2023
VISITING : Inken Baller & Hinrich Baller, Berlin 1966-89
Exhibition at Freie Akademie der Künste in Hamburg

As part of the Hamburger Architektursommer 2023.
In cooperation with the Hamburg Chamber of Architects

Made possible by Hamburger Sympathisanten of the Academy
and supporting member Michael Liebelt.

> more infos on fADK website.

Mai 20th  - June 20th, 2024
VISITING : Inken Baller & Hinrich Baller, Berlin 1966-89
Exhibition at Kunsthochschule Kassel

Inken Baller was appointed the first female professor in the field of architecture, urban and landscape planning at the University of Kassel in 1985. Her early commitment as a woman in an almost entirely male faculty and thus as a pioneer for subsequent female colleagues is given special attention in the exhibition in Kassel.

In cooperation with the chair ARCHITECTURE CITIES ECONOMIES by Gabu Heindl at Uni Kassel.

Funded by Wüstenrot Stiftung, Frauen-und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte des Fachbereichs 06 der Universität Kassel sowie Fachbereichs 06 der Universität Kassel (QSL-Mittel).

> more infos here
12.September - 26. Oktober 2024
VISITING : Inken Baller & Hinrich Baller, Berlin 1966-89
Exhibition at Architekturforum Zürich

In cooperation with and funded by Architekturforum Zürich.

> more infos on AFZ website

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